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Why Do Alzheimer’s Patients Cry

Alzheimers Patients Crying

Why Do Alzheimer’s Patients Cry?

The progression of Alzheimer’s makes patients depressed. Patients may respond by crying, feeling sad and hopeless, inability to enjoy their usual activities, withdrawing, refusing to eat, having trouble sleeping, appearing agitated, having less energy, being irritable, feeling worthless, and having repeated thoughts of death or suicide.

The state of depression is hard to avoid and the most important thing for caregivers and loved ones to do is to make sure that the patient maintains healthy habits like eating a balanced diet and getting exercise. These go a long way to help the patient.

How to Help a Person with Alzheimer’s

There are many things that can trigger a patient with Alzheimer’s to cry or call out. Sometimes it is caused by a physical ailment, a change in routine, or simply because of a loud or busy environment, while other times it’s because of anxiety, depression, loneliness, boredom, and other psychological issues which may be hard to observe. At times it may seem as though there is no reason for a person suffering from dementia to be crying or calling out which can be frustrating and difficult to handle.

Before dismissing their behavior, try to assess whether they may be suffering from depression or anxiety which could be the cause of their crying or calling out. Make note of their environment when they are happy and also when they do cry. Try to recreate the situations when they are content. Try to involve them in activities and keep a regular schedule to reduce anxiety and depression.

Are You Having Trouble Caring For Someone With Alzheimer’s?

Trying to help someone with Alzheimer’s when you don’t know what they’re feeling or thinking at times can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. If you are having trouble understanding or caring for your loved one who is suffering from Alzheimer’s, please give us a call (316) 691-5050 and talk to one of our staff at Progressive Care. We are one of Kansas’s largest home care providers and offer daily 24-hour living assistance, including nighttime watch and personal assistance.