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What Is Personal Care for the Elderly?

Personal Care for Elderly

Personal care for the elderly is the support and/or supervision of the ADLs which stands for “Activities of Daily Living”. Personal care is often provided by a family member, loved one, or a caregiver if the elderly individual is incapable of performing the tasks themselves. Some of the most common ADLs include:

  • Bathing: personal hygiene and grooming.
  • Dressing: dressing and undressing.
  • Transferring: movement and mobility.
  • Toileting: continence-related tasks including control and hygiene.
  • Eating: preparing food and feeding.

Being able to perform ADLs while aging is directly linked to independent living. If an elderly individual is unable to perform these tasks, a physician or adult care social worker will likely recommend moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility. If your elderly loved one is unable to perform these activities but wants to remain at home, they will need an in-home personal care provider.

In-Home Personal Care for the Elderly

One of the main reasons for adults over the age of 65 to move to a nursing home or assisted living facility is due to them being unable to perform ADLs. At this point, they will either need someone to assist them at home or will be inclined to move into one of the aforementioned facilities. Luckily, there are other options available.

For many seniors who are unable to perform ADLs, family members or loved ones often step in to help. When that isn’t possible, you can also hire a personal care provider who can provide in-home care for your parent or loved one. They would be able to come to the home to assist in personal care where needed so your parent or loved one does not have to move.

When looking for a home caregiver for your parent or loved one, simply ensure that they offer personal care services. This would include providing support or supervision with the ADLs.

Get a Personal Care Assistant from the Leading Home Care Providers in Wichita, KS

Does your loved one need assistance with personal care? Call (316) 691-5050 and talk to one of our staff at Progressive Care. We are one of Kansas’s largest home care providers and offer daily 24-hour living assistance, including nighttime watch, and personal care.