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What Are The 4 Levels Of Hospice Care?

What Are The 4 Levels Of Hospice Care?

The four levels of hospice care are:

  1. Routine Home Care: This is the most common level of hospice care and is provided in the patient’s home or a residential care facility. It includes nursing care, personal care, counseling, and medical equipment as needed.
  2. Continuous Home Care: This level of care provides additional support for patients who require intensive symptom management. A hospice nurse or aide is present in the patient’s home for up to 24 hours daily to provide care and support.
  3. Inpatient Respite Care: This level of care provides short-term relief for caregivers by admitting the patient to an inpatient hospice facility for up to five days. During this time, the patient receives 24-hour nursing care and symptom management while the caregiver takes a break.
  4. General Inpatient Care: This level of care is provided in an inpatient hospice facility or hospital when the patient’s symptoms cannot be managed at home. It includes 24-hour nursing care, pain and symptom management, and other support as needed.