Although every person is different, there are some common warning signals that death is on the way. Some signs of approaching death may include the following:
- A person’s condition worsens, and pain increases.
- Energy and strength decrease and most people spend their last days in bed.
- A person may be in and out of consciousness, sometimes in a coma.
- There may be a gradual decrease in interest in food and water.
- Breathing may become irregular.
- A person may seem agitated, confused, and delusional. They may see or hear things that other people don’t.
- A person’s skin may turn cold, purple, and blotchy.
- Hearing and vision may decrease.
- A person’s interest in their surroundings may fade.
- Heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing slowly decrease.
- There may be changes in bladder and bowel function (constipation, loss of bladder control, etc.).
- A person may sleep longer and find it more difficult to wake up.